“I bet you start loving me/ As soon as I start loving someone else/ Somebody better than you/ I bet you start needing me/ As soon as you see me with someone else/ Somebody other than you,” she sings on the hook. “And I know that it hurts/ You know that it hurts your pride/ But you thought the grass was greener on the other side.”
Nicki Minaj’s Grand Piano (Music Video) #ThePinkPrint
Justin Bieber Had Big Sean’s ‘IDFWU’ Beat First — And DJ Mustard Explains What Happened
Even though Justin Bieber didn’t put out much music in 2014, one of the biggest hits to close the year was almost his. But how did the beat for Big Sean’s “I Don’t F–k With You” go from Biebs’ hands to Sean’s?
“We all just didn’t communicate; nobody communicated with my team,” DJ Mustard, who produced the track, explained to MTV News. “[There’s] not no hard feelings or anything like that. It’s not a beef or no crazy sh– like that, but we didn’t communicate. I was excited about the record.”
Instead, of course, it ended up with the G.O.O.D. Music rapper, who dropped it as part of a collection of four songs late last year; it quickly became the most popular of the batch.
“When I got in with Sean, Sean had already picked the record,” the producer explained. “I’m like, ‘Dang, Justin got this record.’ And I always kept telling my management like, ‘Yo, they got this record,’ and everybody was like, ‘Well, we reaching, and nobody else is reaching out to us. So what do you wanna do?’”
“And I was like, you know what, just give it to Sean, because me and Sean got a relationship. And I ended up doing four songs on Sean’s album.”
The way things played out are a far cry from how the California-bred hitmaker envisioned them when we spoke with him back in March.
“I haven’t heard the full record yet, but I think it’s dope. I think Justin Bieber should let me executive produce his album,” Mustard told MTV News last year.
Sounds like that’s on hold for now?

Video Pool | VJ Street Still the Largest Video Pool Hub On-Line!
It’s a VJ community designed by VJs for VJs. Your struggles are our struggles and our community is made up of VJ professionals who have been where you are. The videos available on VJ Street are made by professional VJs specifically for VJ promotional use and are compatible with a large variety of digital DJ software.
This is the first online digital promotional street team and VJ community. VJ-Street is the only video pool that offers only video.
We’re fully licensed to promote awesome music to the VJs from our catalogue. VJ-Street carries the world’s largest VJ catalogue that has more than 50,000 titles (and is still growing!) Our catalogue is broad and has music ranging in style and genre dating back from 1910 up to present day.
Each video on offer is in 12 inch format and meets or exceed our strict professional VJ quality standards. You don’t have time to wait for DVDs with your video content in the mail. VJ-Street skips the frustrating double-work and gives you exactly what you need in the standards that professionals expect.
We get that you need videos that are fresh and fun but also ready to play. And that’s what we offer. You don’t have to prep VJ Street videos- just add them to your collection and play. Each video in the VJ Street community is clean and does not have ANY chyrons, logos or tags. All the work is done for you!
We post nearly a full DVD every day. VJ-Street will post 25 tracks or more every single day – all accessible to you. There is no excuse for not having a kickin’ video collection. Each title track typically has a Dirty and Clean version alongside an Instrumental, Capella, Extended and Main version. We focus on having a broad range of music genres with more added every day.
Our quality standards are top-notch. Unique to VJ-Street, we offer you the privilege to preview every video before you add it to your collection. Only the hits are posted on our website – unless something more offbeat is requested by a VJ. Skip waiting for DVDs in the mail with only a couple songs you can actually use. At VJ-Street we sort and reference our content so it’s easy to slot into your collection in a way you can actually use. We make sure you’re getting what you actually want!
Our servers are built on Turbo Boost Server Technologies and downloads are deliverable in wicked fast speeds. If your performance venue has WiFi internet connection, you can download new videos at fast download speeds. This means you’ll never miss a client’s video request! Just log in and download it instantly off our advanced servers.
You won’t find this anywhere else. VJ Street is the only platform who offers this because we are the only providers who completely understands what a DJ/VJ thinks and needs to be successful.
Rest in peace DJ Rashad
At the young age of 34 years old, DJ Rashad has passed away. What was originally assumed as a drug overdose was later revealed to be caused by complications from a blood clot. He did not receive the treatment needed due to his young age and small likelihood that he would have a blood clot.
DJ Rashad will be remembered as being the founder of the Chicago footwork craze that looks like a frantic cross between tab and riverdance. His album “Double Cup” was ranked eighth in Rolling Stones best dance albums of 2013.
Anytime someone loses a life it is sad story. When somebody loses their life when it could have been be saved its tragic.
Feature Friday: DVJ Marcos Cabrera
Meet DVJ Marcos Cabrera, he is an Ecuadorian native and video mixing demon. VJing is wildly popular in Latin American culture, so we caught up with one of our very own to get to know him.
Where do you work?
I work all over Ecuador!
How long have you been DJing?
I Started DJing on 2006 on a radio station.
What made you make the switch to VJing?
I switched to VJing because i was hired on a tv program about latin music videos.
What is your favorite piece of equipment?
Pioneer DDJ SX
What advice would you give aspiring VJs?
The quality of your video edits helps so much at selling your image as a vj and also make your work easier.
Who would you pick to start a team LeBron or Durant?
I don’t know anything about basketball, I’m South American and soccer my favorite sport.
Well at least he didn’t pick LeBron
Why didn’t we think of this?
For years DJ’s have taken the back seat to face of the performance. In hip hop videos and shows its the MC that gets the bulk of the attention when its the DJ that produces the beat and lays the track. At the club alcohol and attractive members of the opposite sex can consume all of the attention but more recently EDM music has birthed a sort of DJ revolution making them the prime ticket. With music videos moving to an online form and channels like MTV and BET showing less and less videos the art of the music is becoming more prominent. So the natural progression would be that these DJ’s that VJ would be the talent on what would be an all video mix online station.
Well the future is now, VJstream.tv has brought that to us. It houses live mixes and the most popular mixes to date. The site itself is in its beta stage, so sign up and try it out. Promoting an online channel like this can only be positive.
Top 10 DJ characters from movies part 2:
Here is the final part of the official VJstreet top 10 DJ characters form movies. Its great to see DJ’s becoming a little more prevalent on the silver screen, so its only natural we give the the respect that is due.
5. Otis/ Stab Master Arson – CB4 – Dezzer D
CB4 was realeased at a time when hip hop was still young but flourishing. Gansta rap was the most popular genre at the time and the credibility of a rap act was everything at this point. CB4 poked fun at just about every style of rap and the frauds that performed it. Deezer D gets the nod for being the first to light this turntables on fire.
4. Jam Master Jay – Krush Groove
Def Jam was one of the first hip hop only labels to have early success. Russell Simmons had the luxury of being related to one of the members of RUN-DMC. Although he did not do a whole bunch of acting in the movie his car wash scene is priceless.
3. Frankie Wilde – It’s all gone Peter Tong – Paule Kaye
It’s all gone Peter Tong is an inspirational movie. A story about a drug abusing DJ that loses his hearing with no way to ever regain it is one that has to be heard. Its a lot like get rich or die trying or 8 mile in the sense that it is a documentary as well as an entertaining movie about success in the movie industry. If you have not seen this movie do your self a favor and watch it.
2. Q – Juice – Omar Epps
Not only was this movie about hip hop culture in the mecca of New York city, it has some of the best actors portraying the roles. Tupac was amazing as Bishop and Omar Epps was even better as Q. The soundtrack was incredible and the DJ battle scenes gave the rest of America a look at the talent they showcased.
1. Kenny “Double K” Kirkland – Beat Street – Guy Davis
Double K is probably the most inspirational DJ roles ever portrayed in a movie. Many working DJ’s have credited the scene where he is making a mix with common sounds like water dripping as what made them want to be a DJ. Beat Street cover everything form DJing to graffiti art in a classic hip hop inspired movie with a great story to boot.
Top 10 DJ characters form movies Part 1:
Here it is part one of the official VJ street list on the best DJ characters from movies. Until recently DJ’s were always in the background. Now that they demand the limelight we felt it was only right to point out the pioneers in regards to movie characters.
10. Darell Williams- In the mix – Usher
Although this movie was not the best movie around earning a less than impressive 14% on rotten tomatoes. Its about a DJ that becomes a bodyguard and probably shouldn’t have. The fact that the main character is a DJ and its played by a musician Darell makes the list.
9. DJ Evil – Zoolander – Justin Theroux
What is a movie without a fight scene? Then what would this list be with out a fight scene involving a DJ. Thank you to Zoolander and DJ Evil we have that fight scene.
8. Bilal – House Party – Martin Lawrence
House Party one and two were huge movies in the hip hop community. There are countless memorable scenes and cameos in the movie. Martin Lawrence was not the star that we know him to be when these movies came out but he had some great lines that could have possibly lead him there.
7. DJ Request- The Goods – Craig Robinson
Although he didn’t get a lot of screen time, when he did it was hilarious. He does give into any request’s even though his name is DJ Request and has a mantra that he repeats to remind him self of the power a DJ poses.
6. Chris the glove – Breakin – Chris the Glove Taylor
Breakin was another movie that was instrumental in exposing the masses to hip hop culture. Although Ice-T was the more recognizable entertainer in these videos, the beats were provided by Chris the Glove. INspiring kids to be DJ’s themselves Chris the Glove is the first person on this list that was actually a working DJ
Feature Friday: DJ Glenn
We caught up with Philippine native and resident DJ Glenn today and asked him a few questions about his experience as a VJ.
When did you start DJ’ing?
I started DJ’ing in 2008. Worked as a radio jockey and just started DJ’ing/
When did you start VJ’ing?
The next year in 2009. I saw it in a club and just wanted to do it for myself.
Where do you work?
All over the Philippines
What is your favorite piece of equipment?
Pioneer 2000
What advice would you give to any aspiring VJ?
Make sure you learn how to edit your music videos, its very important and memorize tem as well.
Most importantly who would you pick LeBron or Durant?
I would go with Durant
Good answer!!!